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Perfect Frames For High Index Lenses

26 Nov 2021

If you have a heavy prescription, finding frames maybe a little more difficult than you anticipated. We’re here to help.

High index lens frames have been designed to hold high index lenses. They’re lighter, thinner and more comfortable than their counterparts. These frames are primarily for people who require high index lenses due to a strong prescription, but some may work with standard lenses as well.

High Index Lenses Explained

High index lenses have only one focal point, so these lenses have the ability to be compressed to a much thinner, preferred format. They are much lighter and even less noticeable, compared to the alternative polycarbonate or trivex lens. A high index lens bends light at a much bigger angle giving them a higher refractive index than standard prescription lenses.

Traditional lenses focus light on the retina from one angle only—when you bend or turn your head, your vision degrades. High index lenses focus the light on multiple angles across the entire lens. This is what enables you to see clearly when you bend or turn your head. This is called peripheral vision, and it’s vital for driving safety.

What are the Best Frames for High Index Lenses?

When choosing frames for your high-index lenses, consider the following: Frame material, weight and style.

SLLAC has a wide range of quality frames that can fit high index lenses. If you are nearsighted, consider a rounder or smaller, plastic frame. They are able to distribute the weight of the frame evenly from the ears to the nose. For those suffering with astigmatism, a more square frame does best. This helps to avoid lens angle shift.

A farsighted prescription lens is thicker in the middle and thins out as it gets closer to the edge. For this reason, it is crucial to get a taller frame, in terms of lens height. If a frame is too short for the lens can appear to stick out from the frame and the thickness can be quite obvious. Avoid drawing attention to the lens fit by opting for a taller frame overall. Browse our top picks below that will suit your facial needs and also cater to your style.

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